Available courses

GDZHIAO-AEW-2023 ANNUAL EXCHANGE WORKSHOP (AEW-2023) - June 19 - 23, The Gambia


The Support Program for Environmental and Security Monitoring (GMES & Africa) set up by the

African Union in partnership with the European Union has been renewed for a period of four

years (2022 to 2025). The consortium led by Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE) is implementing

the project "Sustainable Management of Wetlands and Floods in West Africa (GDZHIAO)". The

CSE is in association with fifteen (14) partners to implement two (02) services: flood monitoring

and wetland management.

As part of the implementation of GDZHIAO activities, CSE will organize the second Annual

Exchange Workshop (AAE) from June 19 to 23, 2023 in Banjul (Gambia).


The AAE-2023, second strategic, pragmatic and technical edition, will be a pretext between the

lead and the partners to assess and share the results obtained since the beginning of the project

but also it will be the opportunity to do training on the Geoportal and communication.

Specifically, this will involve the following :

- i) present the 2022 narrative and financial report;

- ii) assess the current state of implementation of activities by output and by country;

- iii) validate the updated communication strategy and plan;

- iv) update the 2023 work plan;

- v) build the capacity of experts on the development and use of applications designed to monitor

wetlands and flood risks;

- vi) building the capacity of experts on the project's communication tools;

- vii) develop a roadmap.


At the end of the workshop, the following results will be achieved:

- the 2022 annual report is shared and discussed;

- the state of implementation of activities at country level is assessed;

- the updated communication strategy and plan are validated;

- the 2023 work plan is updated;

- the capacities of experts on the development and use of applications and on communication

tools are strengthened;

- the roadmap is updated


The workshop will be organized around plenary and parallel sessions. Resource people will make

presentations to introduce the different sessions. Each group/commission will appoint a chairman

and a spokesman from among its members to organize and record the deliberations of the



The workshop is scheduled from 19 to 23 June 2023 in Banjul (Gambia). The CSE in

collaboration with the DPWM is responsible for the logistical and scientific preparation of the



The training aims at evaluating the design flood damage assessment tools by integrating the HEC-RAS flood extent model result into a GIS data extraction module for onward economic and financial cost assessment.


This training aims to develop and enhance the capacity of technical officers managing the eStation whose duties are to install,
operate and troubleshoot the eStation.

GMES_005 Training on the use of Flood Reporter Service

This is an Online training for DMOs on the use of the FLOOD REPORTER: An Electronic Flood Monitoring & Reporting System

Authenticated user: Stephen Adeyemo


Understand drone piloting and image acquisition; Initiate the processing of drone images for flood monitoring and management; Use the products resulting from the processing of drone images for flood monitoring and management.


9th - 11th February 2020

The main objectives of this training are to:

  • introduce the participants into hydrological and hydraulic modeling;
  • identify flood-hotspot areas in order to make a quick flood damage assessment;
  • develop a flood monitoring and forecast model.

Authenticated user: Funmilayo Shonubi

GMES_001 Flood Database Management

Installation/Configuration, use and management of the regional database system being developed by the CSSTE Consortium.


This template serves as a guide for Resource Persons to organize their Courses and other learning activities through out the duration of their Modules

Resource Person: Admin Test

SST_701 Research Methodology

This lecture on Research Methodology specifies procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a Research topic. 


This Module gives Introduction to Space Law, United Nations Treaties and Principles on Outer Space


  • Introduction to Space Biology; 
  • Overall physiological response to Space Flight; 
  • Radiation and Radiobiology; 
  • Medical Hazards in Space Operations; 
  • Living in space.

GIS RSG 704A Geographical Information Systems [RSG 704A]

Characteristics and types of GIS data: types of data; concept of information. Maps and projections: principles of cartography, ellipsoids, cartographic projections, coordinate systems, types, and scales; accuracy of maps. GPS concepts, techniques, systems, applications. GIS principles: concepts and principles of GIS: GIS models, GIS components, inputs to GIS; GIS database design and organization; integration in GIS, querying in GIS, GIS outputs and visualization, accuracy of data in GIS, GIS integration errors. 3- dimensional GIS: representing 3rd dimension in GIS, 3- dimensional analysis, and derivatives. Concepts of temporal GIS, decision support systems, GIS modeling, visualization techniques, virtual reality, mobile mapping, World Wide Web-GIS. Illustrations and overview of GIS applications. Spatial data infrastructures: metadata, search/access, data warehousing, data mining, standards, specific programmes of countries (United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/Global Resource Information Database (GRID), digital Earth, global spatial data infrastructure (GSDI), global mapping etc.); common standards: open GIS, ISO-TC211

Authenticated user: Samam Obaguo

RS Platforms, Sensors and Ground Systems Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Ground Systems [RSG 701]

Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Ground Systems

Platforms - General overview of airborne Remote Sensing: photography, imaging; advantages and applications. Satellite Remote Sensing: classification by orbit, applications, advantages and disadvantages, type of observation, orbital dynamics. Types of satellites: Overview of Earth observation satellites; Overview of optical infrared (IR) remote sensing sun-synchronous satellites; overview of polar platforms and meteorological satellites. High-resolution satellites; radar satellites; other missions: hyperspectral, future satellite systems. 

• Sensors - Fundamentals of imaging technology: imaging/non-imaging, active/ passive, advantages, and disadvantages. Concept of resolution: spatial, spectral, radiometric, and temporal. Aerial photography systems: photographic, historical, camera systems, film types, multispectral photography, Airborne Laser Terrain Mapper (ALTM). Scanners/imagers: frame camera systems, scanning systems, push-broom scanners, spectrometers, charge coupled device (CCD), thermal imagers. Microwave sensors: Principles of side-looking airborne radar (SLAR), synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and its characteristics. Non-imaging sensors/systems: infrared radiometer, microwave radiometer, scatterometer, and altimeter. Other sensors: hyperspectral and laser imaging. 

• Ground systems - Data reception and pre-processing systems and their configurations. Principles of data reception systems, data transmission and receive chains; recording; archival; pre-processing: radiometric and geometric corrections; types of satellite data products; value-added products. Ground data collection and truthing; errors in image data and their correction.

Authenticated user: Samam Obaguo

RSG_702 Image Processing Systems and Interpretation

RSG_708 Cost Benefit Analysis

Estimating all costs involved and possible profits to be derived from a business opportunity or proposal.

RSG_707 Sustainable Development and Carrying Capacity

 Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own. It also includes the number of people, animals, or crops which a region can support without environmental degradation.

RSG_709 Urban Planning

Technical and political process that is focused on the development and design of land use and the built environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of  urban areas, such as  transportation, communication and distribution networks.  

RSG_706 Disaster Management

Organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

RSG_705 Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

Remote Sensing and GIS applications for water resources; agriculture; urban; coastal and oceans; environment; forestry; ecology; geology; mapping and others

RSG_704 Geographical Information System

  • Characteristics and types of GIS data
  • Maps and projections
  • GIS principles
  • Concepts and principles of GIS
  • 3-dimensional GIS
  • Spatial data infrastructures
  • Common standards

Authenticated user: Dr Adebayo Ojo

RSG_703 Digital Image Processing

  • Concept of Digital Image
  • Concept of Digital Image Processing
  • How to download / Source for Images
  • Basic Image Processing
  • Extraction of Information from a Satellite Image
  • Basic Analysis/Operations

RSG_701 Remote Sensing Platforms, Sensors and Ground System

General overview of airborne Remote Sensing; Earth observation satellites; Types of satellites; Sensors; Concept of resolution


SCM_702 Digital Signal Processing

  • Discrete time signals and Systems; 
  • Sampling of continuous time signals;  
  • Computation of discrete Fourier transform; 
  • Examples of Digital Signal Processing (DSP)-based subsystems for Satellite Communications)
  • Laboratory exercises/tutorial (MATLAB-based exercises)

SCM_707 Applications and Trends in Satellite Communication

  • Satellite Communications services; 
  • Selection from Satellite Communications applications; 
  • Disaster management using Satellite Communications; 
  • Search and rescue system;
  • Future of Satellite Systems;
  •  Laboratory experiments and demonstrations (Selected hardware experiments using existing facilities and end-user equipment and system demonstrations).


SCM_705 Transmission, Multiplexing and Multiple Access

  • Analog and digital modulation techniques; 
  • Forward-error correction coding; 
  • Multiplexing/De-multiplexing
  • Spread-spectrum techniques; 
  • Multiple access techniques
  • Laboratory experiments (MATLAB simulations; Hardware experiments)

SCM_710 Satellite Communication for Development, Education Training

  • An overview of Satellite Communications for development, education and training 
  • Regional experiment with: Hardware, Software, Social research; Local broadcasting (TV, radio, cable network); Planning for Satellite Communications for development; 
  • Satellite Technology for development, education and training; 
  • Operational, technological and legal issues in trans-border channels for development; 
  • Teleconferencing experiences of users for rural development; Disaster management)
  • Demonstrations with existing systems

SCM_709 Network Planning/Management/Operation Issues of Satellite Communication Systems

  • Technical considerations for network planning;
  • Network operations and control; 
  • Management of Communication Satellite operations;  
  • Financial aspects of satellite communication ;
  • Summary of satellite evolution and costs.

SCM_708 Operational Communication Satellite Systems

Overview of Operational Communications Satellite Systems; 

Selection from operational communications satellite systems: 

International Regulations

SCM_706 Broadcasting using Communication Satellite

  • Analog and digital broadcasting system standards
  • Digital television
  • Satellite TV and access systems
  • Internet Protocol (IP) broadcasting
  • Laboratory experiments and demonstration (Practical experiments with TV and IP terminals)

SCM_703 Satellite Communication System

  • Introduction to Satellite Communications: Satellite orbits (Parking orbits); 
  • Space Environment; 
  • Satellite Communications links; 
  • Frequency bands for Satellite Communications; 
  • Propagation effects on Satellite Communication links). 
  • Digital Satellite Communications, 
  • Maritime Satellite Communications.
  • Experiments and demonstrations:  
  • Visits to Laboratories

SCM_704 Earth Station Technology

Overview of Satellite Communications Earth station; Technology of Earth Station Subsystems; Earth Station design and fabrication considerations; Earth Station standards

SCM_701 Communication Systems

This Course introduces students to the Principles of communications and networking (telecommunications overview; Principles of information theory; etc

RSS_812 Water Resources and Management

The Course on Water Resource Management includes all activities of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources. 

RSS_814 Business Applications of GIS

The combination of Geographical Information Systems and Business Intelligence today is helping businesses optimally in the areas of Proximity analysis, site location determination, and market delineation;  Finding business through socio-economic and demographic spatial data gathering; Network structures, routes, dynamic segmentation, planning and management of transport network; operate and improve productivity, and cut costs like never before. 

Test 001 ICT Test

This section is for the ICT to use and test some of the functionalities of this platform. 

She Space She Space Nigeria

She Space Nigeria is organized under the Space4Women Mentorship Program, an initiative of UNOOSA, in collaboration with the United Nations affiliated African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in English (UN-ARCSSTE-E)

PSF001 Test with Professor Steven Freeland

This is just a test of the platform in preparation for the webinar with Prof Freeland

GDZ_007 Testing of assessment system with DMOs

This training course provides participants with practical skills to evaluate and optimize assessment tools and methodologies.

GDZ_002 Workshop on the Use and Management of the Flood Reporter for DMOs

Flood Reporter - The course on the use of Flood Reporters for Disaster Management Organizations (DMOs) is designed to train participants in effectively utilizing digital tools and platforms for real-time flood reporting, enhancing disaster response and coordination efforts.

GDZ_001 Workshop on the Use and Management of the Flood Event Database1

Flood Reporter - Part 1:  The course on Flood Event Database aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to systematically collect, manage, and analyze data related to flood events, enabling better prediction, mitigation, and response strategies.

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